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Liza Bobkova at the "Light Plumage" exhibition

24.04.2022 – 01.06.2022

Venue: Serene gallery. Moscow, Prechistenskaya embankment, 5

Curator: Alexander Blanar

Participants: Liza Bobkova

Few days ago Serene gallery opened in Moscow with a group project, in wich Liza Bobkova participates with a new sculpture "Cicatrices". 

Lightness, tenderness, weakness are the stereotypes that are often attributed to women. Modern society is doing its best to destroy these stereotypes. Anyone can be weak, regardless of gender, as well as strong. 

Inner strength is not shown to the outside world every time. How often do we repeat to each other that we can't “get into someone else's head”. We will never be able to understand what a person is thinking about, what are the reasons for his actions. We don't have to understand what drives a person, we can only deal with ourselves. With its own principles, rules, life guidelines.

We often judge by appearances. We endow a person with stereotypes, judging by his appearance, by his manners and behavior. But even in the mildest individual there is an incredible power that is fueled by his beliefs. A force that cannot be broken.

In the animal world, a bright color or plumage is created to warn of danger. The most beautiful animal, whose colors attract the eye, can be the most poisonous and dangerous. As well as the most inconspicuous, who disguises himself to hide and strike unnoticed.

Art never speaks directly, we guess, interpret, guess on our own. And behind the brightest colors can hide a strong statement that a person cannot say out loud.

There is love at first sight, an indelible first impression. But only by going deeper, we can understand the very essence. And we must always remember that the plumage was created in order to distract. Protect yourself. And stay in your own world, not to let external aggression in there.

Curator: Alexander Blanar

Photo: Mark Seryh

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