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New exhibition at NFT

10.02.2022 – 07.03.2022

Venue: alterHEN

Curator: Aksenov Family Foundation

Participants: Liza Bobkova, Alina Glazoun, Ulyana Podkorytova

Liza Bobkova, Alina Glazoun and Ulyana Podkorytova created nft works for the exhibition "Acollection" organized by Aksenov Family Foundation.⠀ 

Among the works of Liza Bobkova - two pieces from the project "Shined" (2022) and the animated graphics "It's Greedy to Love, My Dear Friend" (2022). The project "Shined" is a series of fading photographs of casual strangers, landscapes and random moments.

The development of digital communications inspired the transition from text to visuality - in recent video works of Alina Glazoun this transition takes psychedelic forms of landscapes or still lifes with texts. Two new works "Russia" and "Heart" (2022) were created with the participation of the artist's cats Ulysses and Phaedrus and one of two videos is supplemented by a fragment of a song by Isaac Dunayevsky from the legendary Soviet film "Jolly Fellows" (1934).

Ulyana Podkorytova also participates in the exhibition with the works "Come What May Not. Boys", "Come What May Not. Seraphim", "Happy are bunnies and squirrels, happy are boys and girls" and "I Am (S)He, Who Is a Living Log" (2022) with characters from her works (many of them you could see in the film "Rai'ok")

Note that many works have been released in a large edition, which makes them accessible to novice collectors.

The exhibition runs on the alterhen.xyz platform and runs until March 7, for details follow the link

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