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Slipping line

04.02.2020 – 29.02.2020

Venue: Cube Moscow, Москва, Россия

Curator: Julia Vergazova

Participants: Alexander Zaitcev, Petr Kirusha, Nica Komarova, Anya Lyalina, Alina Glazoun, Elena Artemenko, Alina Lutaeva, Alexander Zhuravlev

s a child, in order to see the magic happening right now behind the back, it was enough to turn your head very quickly. As a painting with the image turned away to the wall, unmanifested fullness lives and functions in the field of invisibility, the gap of attention. It dodges from eyes and disguises itself behind the surface of blurry details. At the place of gaps appear spaces closed with the patch – a piece in the fabric of reality.

Patches and proxies are agents and deputies acting on behalf of another person in the situation of saving the presence of a person or an object. When it is impossible to physically be in several places at the same time or to respond to all incoming messages, we resort to techniques of evasion and auto-replace.

Small details, saved links, unanswered messages or whole people fall into holes, gaps. Like hole conductivity in electrodynamics, what accumulates and circulates in these spaces fills them with electricity. Conductivity hidden behind the outer surface of things escapes scientific classifications, flows through category filters, leaving only traces and hints. The effect hidden from the observer retains its autonomy. Who can afford to abandon the need for continuous presence without truly dissolving?

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