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BAD+ 2023

05.05.2023 – 07.05.2023

Venue: Hangar 14, Quai des Chartrons, Bordeaux

Participants: Liza Bobkova, Petr Kirusha, Nikita Seleznev

From May 5 to 7 MYTH Gallery will participate for the second time in BAD+ (Bordeaux Art & Design) Contemporary Art Fair

At our booth we'll show new graphics and paintings by Petr Kirusha, new graphics by Liza Bobkova and Nikita Seleznev.

Liza Bobkova's new works are a continuation of her series "Gesture slightly stuck" from the solo exhibition of the same name at the Museum of Applied Arts at the Stieglitz Academy (2021). The series is dedcated to reflections on the nature of artistic practice. When faced with a systematic education or working professionally for many years in the sphere of art, the artist sometimes loses the most valuable thing from his hands - the potency of his own gesture, like a breath or a glance, getting lost in the monotony of making his works. Liza decided to aggravate the situation, and drew identical squares on many separate sheets and pages of a notebook in order to erase her agreement with the duty of producing new works. In the process, there was a feeling that salvation sometimes comes through landscape color perception. And the image of a landscape is always a gesture, because we measure it with our steps going to the horizon.

In a series of paintings and graphics, Petr Kirusha tries a new method for him to create a drawing: drawing a continuous line with serpentine movements, almost like an auto-search. However, in the case of the artist, this is not a pure practice of auto-painting, because, as in previous works, he depicts some moment seen in life, and then paints over the gaps between movements, it turns out such a rippling image as a large rain. The pattern and color spots create two absolutely flat patterns, due to the combination of colors and the shape of the pattern, a vibrating image is obtained and a feeling is created that the planes are at different distances. The ripples make it difficult to see the drawing, come to the fore, give the illusion of the depth of space, which is not really there.

For Nikita Seleznev, the continuity of his artistic language from Romanticism is important. Because of that, in the "Flow" series, which can be seen at our booth, he chooses a sketch format and uses typical romanticism themes of ruins and landscape. He depicts quasi-monuments and fragments of objects reflecting modernity.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our booth RDC 44!

Photo: MYTH Gallery

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